Black Friday starts early this year - 24% off for 24 days of 2024!
Tired of waiting for Black Friday deals to drop? This year, we're shaking it up a bit and offering 24% off for 24 days of 2024. Starting right now, and running until 30 November, you can purchase a copy of our Sectional Titles Schemes Legislation paperback book at the reduced price of R450 (excluding courier).
This comprehensive book includes the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act and Regulations, CSOS Act and Regulations, and the Sectional Titles Act of 1986 and Regulations (with the latest amendments). Featuring a convenient thematic index, it allows you to quickly locate legislation for AGMs, trustee meetings or research purposes. Offering a robust framework for the management, administration, and dispute resolution of sectional title schemes, this is an invaluable resource for property owners, trustees, managing agents, legal practitioners, and anyone involved in sectional title administration.
Beyond Black Friday - reduced prices for 2025 UCT short courses
Don't forget that we also have the reduced payment option available for our two UCT short courses available until 20 December 2024. You can find more information on these courses below:
8 weeks || Starts 20 January 2025 || Save up to R1 600
For more information on these courses, send an email to or call Tim on 064 529 3352.
Kind regards,
The Advisory Team
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High Court Clarifies: When to Use Section 6(9) of the STSMA vs Section 39(4)(d) of the CSOS Act By Auren Freitas dos Santos
In this article, Auren discusses a recent Western Cape High Court ruling that confirmed that both section 6(9) of the STSMA and section 39(4)(d) of the CSOS Act provide pathways for relief against unreasonable Body Corporate decisions.
In hierdie artikel bespreek Ané drie foute wat dikwels by Algemene Jaarvergaderings opduik. Lees meer om te voorkom dat die selfde klein jakkalsies jou wingerd verniel: Algemene Foute by Algemene Jaarvergaderings
Sectional Titles Schemes Legislation paperback book
OurSectional Titles Schemes Legislation paperback book contains a comprehensive compilation of the key legislative frameworks governing sectional title schemes in South Africa, including the Sectional Titles Schemes Management Act and Regulations, CSOS Act and Regulations, and the Sectional Titles Act and Regulations (including amendments up to January 2024), and includes a Thematic Index of these legislations. It is designed to serve as a valuable resource for property owners, trustees, managing agents, legal practitioners, and anyone involved in the management and administration of sectional title properties and community schemes.