Hello 2024
Happy New Year! We hope this newsletter finds you in good health and high spirits as we embark on the exciting journey that 2024 promises to be. Our offices have been open since Monday and we find ourselves back in full swing, assisting our consulting clients and getting ready to add our first group of students for 2024 onto our learning platform tomorrow.
If you want to be one of those students, it is not too late. You can still join the first ever class of our UCT Sectional Titles Schemes Management online short course officially kicking off this Monday, 15 January 2024. Time is running out fast though, so don’t delay registering to secure your place by clicking on the link below or reaching out to Tim at courses@theadvisory.co.za.
Register here | Download info pack
A new year has the tendency to usher in new things and we want to start this one off by letting you know that we are considering the possibility of expanding our usual bouquet of services to add even more value to your community scheme:
Over the years, we've been inundated with requests from clients seeking an Executive Managing Agent service—a dedicated team of legal experts to oversee day-to-day operations within their schemes. While recognising the potential impact and the significant shift it would entail for our current operations, we've hesitated to explore this avenue. However, with the onset of 2024, a year ripe with new opportunities, we're contemplating this service expansion more seriously.
Prior to taking any real steps toward launching this service, we kindly request your input to gauge the demand and interest for such an offering. Enclosed below is an article outlining our proposed approach. Your feedback and insights are invaluable as we navigate this decision-making process, aiming to align our offerings with your needs and expectations.
Kind regards
The Advisory Team
Please note: You are on our mailing list because you have made contact with us via our website or one of our team members - you can unsubscribe at any time using the link at the bottom of this email, but we hope that you will find value in the information shared and remain subscribed to receive future updates.
We need your feedback! Would you be interested in an Executive Managing Agent service to be offered by The Advisory?
By Auren Freitas dos Santos
In this article, Auren outlines the proposed approach for our potential offering of an Executive Managing Agent service and seeks your valuable insights on the matter.
New Year, New Rules
By Ané de Klerk
In this article, Ané highlights some sectional titles schemes issues you may have noticed over the Summer Holidays and suggests some provisions you could adopt to address them.