Specialist community scheme advice and training
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Monthly Newsletter | December 2022


What an incredible year

As 2022 draws to a close, we are so excited to share some interesting statistics with you, showing just how incredible this year has been. Take a look:

We are delighted that Ané was able to train students from all over the country this year, with representatives from every province (and even some from other countries) earning their certificates - proving once more that you can successfully complete the Paddocks UCT online short courses from anywhere in the world. Further statistics show that age should not be a deterrent either - whether you just matriculated or retired you were represented. Whether you find yourself in a big city or remote town, male or female, fresh faced and eager to gain experience or older and wiser, we were able to help you broaden your community scheme knowledge and skill set and look forward to doing so again in 2023.

Other impressive statistics showed exceptional growth for our consulting department for the third year running. Not only did Auren and his team have more than 500 consultations this year (and they’re still going!), but they also maintained a 75% success rate in CSOS applications prepared on behalf of clients, with most of the unsuccessful ones now being taken on review to the High Court.

Naturally, we are also thrilled by the amount of people, like yourself, that have signed up to receive these monthly updates from us. Thank you for your continued support.

Please be reminded that our office will be closing for the Festive Season on 15 December 2022, so make sure that you email info@theadvisory.co.za with your consulting-related queries or courses@theadvisory.co.za with those pertaining to courses without delay to have them dealt with this year. Wait too long and we will only be able to assist upon our return to office from 5 January 2023. We wish you and your families a blessed Christmas and prosperous New Year. The Advisory Team

Don’t forget to send in your #AskAuren questions for posting on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. This month’s question is, "Are the trustees empowered to appoint a new managing agent or is this decision left to the members?" Read Auren's answer at the links below and be sure to like and follow us to receive weekly updates on the property industry and our courses:

Kind regards,
The Advisory Team
Please note: You are on our mailing list because you have made contact with us via our website or one of our team members - you can unsubscribe at any time using the link at the bottom of this email, but we hope that you will find value in the information shared and remain subscribed to receive future updates.


Look out for this when dealing with proxy appointments for your AGM

By Ané de Klerk

In this article, Ané discusses the practical implications of members owning multiple units on their proxy appointments.


What to do when load-shedding disrupts your AGM
Auren Freitas dos Santos

In this article, Auren discusses what legal recourse you have should loadshedding interrupt an AGM where virtual attendants are no longer able to participate.


Legal Advice


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Paddocks UCT


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Our mailing address is:
Dock Road Junction
Corner of Stanley & Dock Road
V & A Waterfront
Cape Town